Our Purpose
- To produce godly men and women that are confident in who they are in Christ.
- To discern the direction God has for our lives.
- To recognize the unique giftings that God has given us.
- To build meaningful relationships with each other.
- To reach out to people around us.
During the spring and fall semester, our College Group meets regularly on Wednesday nights at Grace Community Fellowship from 6:00-9:00 PM.
Leadership Team

Alan & Makayla Mund
We are so excited to be serving in College Ministry! We have a passion for seeing young people come to know the Lord and walk out His calling.
College is a time when many of us are faced with decisions and paths that have the potential to shape our lives forever. Having a community to rally around you, walk alongside you, and point you to Jesus is vital. We would love for you to join us as we dive deeper in knowing Him and we have a lot of fun doing life together as well!
We can’t wait to meet you,
Alan & Makayla
Join Us This Week
9:00 AM SundayFirst Service
10:45 AM SundaySecond Service
7:00 PM WednesdayLife Groups, Children, Youth